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How Long Will It Take to Settle Your Personal Injury Claim in Alaska?

What if you do not want your personal injury case to extend for months or even years? You might wonder if you can simply settle your case quickly, even if it means accepting less money. Yes, but that does not necessarily mean it is a wise action.

A personal injury suit can be settled quickly, but doing so usually means accepting lower compensation. The sacrifice you make is a crucial factor. In this article, you learn the potential causes of the delay in settlement and why you should exercise caution before accepting a speedy settlement.

What is Making Your Personal Injury Case Delayed?

A personal injury claim’s timetable may take longer for the following reasons:

Problematic Issue With the Case

Liability and the level of damages are the two key variables determining the value of a personal injury case. If it is difficult to establish fault, the insurance adjuster cannot make a fair settlement offer until the plaintiff’s attorney files a lawsuit and retains liability experts to establish the precise nature of the defendant’s liability. It is doubtful that the insurer will make a large offer on the case until a judge has ruled on your right to claim if there are legal questions in the case.

In contrast, there can be damage issues. For instance, the doctors might not be certain that the defendant’s negligence brought on the plaintiff’s injury. Until the insurance company is certain that your lawyer can provide a medical expert to testify that the defendant’s behavior caused your injuries, it will not make a reasonable settlement offer.

The Case Involves a Big Cash Stake

If there are considerable damages involved in the lawsuit, that can also delay settlement. Insurance companies do not make a significant settlement payment until they have done their research. This entails looking into every facet of the issue until they are sure that:

  • They do not have a strong argument against your assertion.
  • Your wounds are indeed as terrible as you claim.
  • No one can challenge your credibility.

In addition, insurers will occasionally put off settling a significant case to see if the plaintiff will give up and accept less compensation. Some claimants can not wait for reimbursement for very long. Knowing this, insurers will attempt to wait things out.

You Have Not Reached Maximum Medical Improvement

You may still be undergoing medical treatment, which is a valid reason why settlement may take some time. If possible, wait until you have recovered to maximum medical improvement (MMI) from your injuries before settling a personal injury case.

MMI denotes that you have reached the peak of your abilities and that you and your personal injury attorney in Alaska are aware of the importance of your case. Your injuries’ true nature and extent (and how they will affect your life) are not as obvious if you are still receiving treatment.

Settling For Less Money

What if you know that if you waited for the right settlement, your case would be worth more, but you need the money right away? How do you decide what you ought to accept? Short settlements are not subject to any strict regulations. The settlement amount proposed by the insurance adjuster could be between 30 and 40 percent of what you might receive if your case proceeds to the day before a court trial.

Suppose you have a personal injury case and are considering settling it quickly to avoid engaging in a protracted legal procedure. In that case, you should still speak with a personal injury attorney for individualized advice on the dangers of a quick settlement.

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