Long-term Whiplash Effects and Your Claim

There are several possible long-term effects caused by whiplash that may become observable. These effects could increase a car accident claim in proving the injuries sustained are severe. Such situations often support the claim through legitimate symptoms of whiplash and could increase the strength of a personal injury claim. This article will discuss some long-term effects of whiplash and how they affect your personal injury claim.

Whiplash may cause long-lasting symptoms to surface that include any or some of the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Various pains and stiffness in the neck area
  • Agony in both upper and lower back locations
  • Throbbing of the jaw
  • Migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping

Some areas of the body may become numb or weak, such as the arms or legs and some victims are known to suffer from a minor or serious ringing in the ears. Some cognitive issues that may arise include problems with concentration and memory.

According to the Mayo Clinic whiplash is a neck injury that can occur when the head suddenly moves backward and then forward and is common during rear end vehicle collisions. When an individual suffers whiplash, their soft tissue is damaged in the neck or they sustain head trauma accompanied with a concussion. The severe jolting of the neck and head areas of the body result in whiplash. This jolting movement causes damage that can increase or decrease over time depending on other noticeable symptoms that come with it. Most victims of whiplash, that is related to a car accident, have varying symptoms; most injuries could range from minor to serious. When untreated symptoms could become long lasting, so much so that they could lead to a disability.

There are several ways the injuries could increase or decrease the strength of your personal injury claim. In most cases, the injured party cannot remain in the court room for long because of certain physical impairments. This in itself may have a positive or negative effect on your claim. It could place an overemphasis on the lawyer representing that matter against the other party. On the other hand, it could show the judge or jury panel that physical harm was significant and requires pain medication. If your car accident lawyer in Alaska is working with a medical expert, this expert may explain what happened and how the injuries place additional strain on traumatic locations of the body of the plaintiff. This could increase the awareness of the whiplash symptoms.

If whiplash causes severe trauma to the back, neck or head, the victim may remain away from work and lose wages because of their recovery time. Other issues may arise through becoming disabled, needing to remain at home or seek medical treatment and therapy over an extended period of time; making it difficult for the injured party to progress because of not having income to provide for necessities. However, they are able to get on disability until the settlement or award is available.

In many cases, evidence is necessary to prove that injuries exist. If long-term effects are suffered, they exhibit clear symptoms giving clear evidence, thus, increasing the strength of the claim.

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