Prosecuting Your Alaska Personal Injury Claim

Categories: Firm NewsPublished On: February 25th, 2020

When people think of an “Accident Attorney In Alaska,” they often have visions of an automobile collision, an injured person with a neck collar and other common stereotypes. But such a vision is very limited. Indeed, a personal injury attorney is likely adept at prosecuting claims for “accidents” that far exceed car crashes and “injuries” that are far more significant than a herniated disk.

An Accident Attorney In Alaska is likely able to prosecute cases arising out of motorcycle accidents, truck accidents and pedestrian knockdowns, for which the rules, parties and procedures are generally the same.

But what about airplane accidents? Here, there are some stark differences. For example, there are many more parties to sue, as the party who caused the crash could have been pilot, airline, maintenance crew, air traffic controller or others. And with the cause of a crash not usually being determined for years, the lawsuit must still be brought within two (2) years, so what do you do? That is where experienced personal injury attorneys come into play, prosecuting a case and finding viable defendants even without having a lot of information.

And what about train accidents? Also some important differences. Like an airplane incident, causes are not often determined for years, if ever. So was it the conductor, engineer, maintenance company, failure to install Positive Train Control, the government for failing to maintain tracks on municipal land? Again, the creativity of an experienced accident attorney is vital to make sure this claim is properly prosecuted.

Such lawyers are also proficient with wrongful death claims, or claims brought on behalf of an estate of someone who passed away, where the monetary award will be distributed to the beneficiaries of the estate. In such cases, there are difficulties such as proving the suffering of the deceased person when they are not available to testify. And what about figuring out how much the deceased would have earned and where he would have spent it? Experienced attorneys will use services of forensic accountants to help with this, but when in front of a judge or jury, this will have to be questioned and explained in such a way that the lay people of the jury can understand.

As you can see, there is simply a lot to know when prosecuting a lawsuit. It takes an experienced personal injury attorney to be able to do so. Only educational training and years of experience will enable an attorney to get you the best result in your case.

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