Common Car Accident Brain Injuries

Categories: Auto AccidentsPublished On: April 11th, 2022


There is no ability to accurately prescribe what injury an individual may get as a result of a car accident. However, the one main area of concern is when a car accident results in brain injury. A brain injury can be serious or mild; either way it is important to know how to deal with brain injuries that are a result of a car accident. This article will discuss the types of brain injuries that can result from a car accident that needs attention.

There are a number of different types of brain injuries that can be the result of a car accident. They vary in intensity and how soon they manifest themselves. As a result, when filing a personal injury claim in respect of a brain injury enlist the services of an Alaska brain injury lawyer  for legal advice and representation.

Take note of the types of brain injuries that are the result of a car accident:

  1. Concussion – one medical definition [Concussion – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Safety Guidelines (] states that a concussion “is an injury to the brain that results in temporary loss of normal brain function”. It is the most common and well-known forms of brain injury caused by car accidents. It is the result of brain trauma due to impact, change in movement or sudden momentum. In most cases, they are accompanied by an individual losing consciousness, however, in some instances less severe symptoms are experience including confusion and dizziness. If you fail to seek medical attention for a concussion this could result in severe or permanent brain damage.
  2. Contusions – this is another word that refers to bruises, however, when it comes to the brain such bruises are complicated. These can be severe and when this is the case, a common option would be to remove them by way of a surgical procedure. When bruising occurs on both sides of the brain, that is, the impact site and on the opposite side of the impact site; contusions are referred to as coup-contrecoup. In other instances, they can occur as pain and swelling resulting in blood clots in the brain, memory, cognitive and speech issues.
  3. Diffuse axonal – this is a result of the brain structures tearing in the event of severe head rotation. This is a worse form of concussion and can result in side effects that include migraines, severe headaches, memory loss, seizures or collapse. When the cases are severe they can lead to a coma or death. When conditions are mild rehabilitation is the common treatment.
  4. Penetration – as the name suggests this is when an injury is caused by an object penetrating the brain. Such an injury is easy to identify. Main areas to take note of are high blood loss, exhaustion and problems with breathing.

Acquired brain injuries – they are the ones that are not as a result of traumatic force but due to other issues such as chest complications, blood loss, throat injuries and lung and rib damage. Such injuries affect the brain as a result of a shortage of blood supply. Fortunately, they are easily noticeable to healthcare professionals and can be remedied instantly.

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